I have summarized all of the information that I have gathered on the Aliens so far.
<Begin Report #495991>
$BPfhor$b are generally thinner and lighter than humans and are superbly adapted for low gravity environments. Durandal told me that there are many “clans” of Pfhor, each physically distinct from each other, but my summary only includes two of them.
Only two clans of the Pfhor have been examined. The $BFighter$b carries a shock staff, which is capable of attacking at different settings. The $BTrooper$b is armored for vacuum conditions and carries a combination explosive and impact projectile weapon which is similar to your AR-75.
The Pfhor seem to have enslaved a number of other races:
The $BHulk$b is an enormous and rather slow creature, but it is incredibly strong. The science report indicated that it had no body fat, and therefore had to be fed often to keep it active. One crew member reported seeing one of these creatures pointing to itself and mumbling “Drinniol” right before it “picked Johnny up by the shirt and crushed him against a pillar”.
The science staff had difficulty finding a good specimen of the $BS’pht$b, or $Bcompiler$b, to autopsy. The only specimen autopsied was almost completely destroyed, but it was obvious that the compilers are cyborgs of some kind. The biological component of the compiler is so closely linked to the machine that it could never survive without it. The compiler’s actual body is very small, resembling closely a mammalian brain, except that the neurons are much finer and far more complex.